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why people love go-karts ?

1  Fun activity: Go-karting doesn’t need any prior experience, but it is just as challenging as learning a new sport.

2  Safety: Go-Karting is a safer option for beginners who are interested in racing. It can be both an indoor or an outdoor activity.

3  Better reflexes: The Go-Kart race track is laid out in many tricky patterns. This can really test your skills on reflexes.

4  Controlling a car: Being able to control your go-kart while paying attention to your surroundings will make you a better driver in general.

5  Connect with your family: Go-karting can be a great activity for all family members.

6  Adrenaline: The adrenaline can boost your energy as well as improve your memory and leave you feeling energized.

7  Team building experience: Go-karting can be a great way to get all your employees or your group to interact with each other.

8  Fun for all ages: Whether you are 10 years old or going on 60, go-karting can be a fun experience for all ages.

9  Confidence builder: Go-Karting can be a great confidence booster .

10  Career starter: Most racers start of with go-karting because of the simplicity of it.  go-karting is a great starting point for beginners.