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why people love motorcycles  ?

1  It's fast, it's fun and it's exciting.

2  It has much better gas mileage.

3  Easier to find parking spaces.

4  Much better acceleration and braking.

5  It's a feeling like no other, whether cruising down a country road, zipping down the highway or just on daily commute.

6  It also saves on gas and is easy to park.

7  it can totally happy with people quiet bike that doesn't annoy the neighbors.

8  It is easier to find small streets for shortcuts with a motorcycle and you can easily turn around on dead ends .

9  Convenient parking, Go anywhere at any time.

10 Motorcycle people love to share the passion and freedom of riding so that they often join local motorcycle clubs, biker events, even specialized biker dating site. Because they have much chance of having happy, successful relationships together due to their mutual understanding of that common passion for motorcycles.

11 Motorcycle is cheaper than a car.